Monday, October 22, 2012

New Blog Week Post #1- A Few Random Photos

I was sitting awake last night and decided that in honor of my new blog, I should post something new every day this week, just to get things going.  After this week, I will be posting approximately once a week.  However, today is a very busy Monday for me.  So, I decided it would be a good day to post a few pictures.
Last week I decided that it was time to start carrying my camera around with me again.  I love Instragram (which you can also follow me, "LeslieJay" on (can't believe I just wrote a plug for my other social networking account...)), but sometimes nothing beats a real camera. I use a little SONY Cyber-Shot digital camera.  It's light, fits in my purse, and was a gift from my lovely grandparents.  Eventually, I would love to take an actual photography class, but for now, I just play with my camera settings and some very very basic computer editing techniques and just see what happens.

Here are a few really random pictures I have taken over the past year.  Hope you enjoy!

I took this last February on a trip to Hawaii and tried to make it look like an advertisement.  
From the same Hawaii trip- found these little guys while I was on a walk.  
I was mesmerized by the caterpillars' eyes.  They didn't even seem real.  I used the background blur setting on my camera to take this and didn't have to do any editing on it.
From a beach trip my friend sand I took last May- This is a picture of my friend, Wesley, that I took with the background blur setting on my camera.  
Just took this yesterday.  A couple of my friends walking through the Missouri School of Journalism arch.

Check back in tomorrow for another new post!