Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Forgotten Photos

Over the summer, I replaced my computer in preparation for college and even though I thought I transferred all of the pictures from my old computer, apparently I was wrong (need to work on that over break...).  But any who, I recently plugged my camera into my new computer and discovered a collection of random pictures I took over the last year.  Here are a few of my favorites.  It was a fun, memory evoking surprise.

Flowers on my dining room table from when Zach asked me to his prom last spring.
(No, I really don't empty the photos on my camera)
Playing with my new camera when I was bored on an airplane

What can I say?  I like to play with my camera. Blooms from a tree in my yard in CA. 

Old tiles found in rainwater by my car.
Found on the beach after a long walk with Sam.
Old posts on Del Mar Beach that you can only see during low tide.
Sam likes to model.
Del Mar sunset and surfers. 

My favorite place at my favorite time.