Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oops... Sorry, I'm Human...

Well, third day of my blog and I'm already screwing up.  Usually, I'm pretty good at sticking to my word (or so I would like to think...), but when a big assignment calls, I'm unfortunately at its mercy.  That being said, I very obviously didn't get a chance to post yesterday.  Hopefully, I will be able to give you a better excuse as to why in a few days.  All excuses aside, I now have to make up for the fact that I missed yesterday.  So, today I will post twice.  This post will be shorter, because I have class soon and my actual Wednesday post will come later tonight.

Tuesday Post: 

As it sit in my dorm room wearing workout shorts and a t-shirt, I have one thing on my mind.  MIDWESTERN WEATHER...WTF?????  A few weeks ago I packed up my shorts and stowed them in the Russian Nesting Doll-esque set of suitcases I keep beneath my bed, under the assumption that the weather would continue its trend of gradually easing us into nice fall then scary winter weather.  Despite my fear of inevitably freezing my ass off, I had accepted that the weather was going through a natural process and was maintaining hope that I would adjust to the foreign cool temperatures.  But then there was an unexpected turn of events!  The the rain, the warmth (there is a high of 84 today), and my personal favorite, the humidity (please note my extreme level of sarcasm) decided to come and barreling in and royally confuse me.  And to exasperate my confusion even more... there is a high of 50 on Saturday!  Soooooooo excited....... ugh.....

1 comment:

  1. aaaahh HATE HUMIDITY.
    with a PASSION.
    lol, i love your sarcasm :) you're hilarious.
