Thursday, November 29, 2012

Honestly, who does't like pie??

There are some conveniences that are lost when one goes off to college, one of them being a kitchen.  There is a kitchen in my building... but ask 90% of the people who live there and they will say that they don't use the kitchen (and a slightly disgusted look will come over their face).  So, since I had some time at home last week, I took complete advantage of the fact that there was an available kitchen at my fingertips and a glutinous holiday in the very near future.
Every year on thanksgiving we make three pies (gotta love traditions): Apple, pumpkin, and chocolate.  This year, my mom wanted to make the apple, so I took over the responsibility of making the pumpkin pie and decided to change up our typical pudding filled chocolate pie.  People, like my dad, like the pudding filling, but personally, I was convinced that there had to be something better out there.  So, I went to GOOGLE, the best cookbook ever and found this lovely recipe, and so it began.  My epic afternoon of baking.  Check it out! (Oh, and I have no idea why, but cliche as it may be vignettes, mattes, and edge blur effects look good with food...)

Surprisingly few ingredients for two pies. 
Graham cracker crusts- super easy! Just mix graham cracker crumbs and butter.

Melting chocolate and butter for the pie filling- no double boiler needed.
Couldn't find the real splash guard... oh well. 
Mixing the chocolate  with eggs, sugar, and salt.  Took a bit of effort to mix them together, but it looked cool.
 Ready to bake
 Fresh out of the oven
Chocolate pie, final product. 
Thanksgiving dessert. 
Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! 
Thanks for reading!! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Forgotten Photos

Over the summer, I replaced my computer in preparation for college and even though I thought I transferred all of the pictures from my old computer, apparently I was wrong (need to work on that over break...).  But any who, I recently plugged my camera into my new computer and discovered a collection of random pictures I took over the last year.  Here are a few of my favorites.  It was a fun, memory evoking surprise.

Flowers on my dining room table from when Zach asked me to his prom last spring.
(No, I really don't empty the photos on my camera)
Playing with my new camera when I was bored on an airplane

What can I say?  I like to play with my camera. Blooms from a tree in my yard in CA. 

Old tiles found in rainwater by my car.
Found on the beach after a long walk with Sam.
Old posts on Del Mar Beach that you can only see during low tide.
Sam likes to model.
Del Mar sunset and surfers. 

My favorite place at my favorite time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Busy Busy Mizzou Days

Okay, so I haven't posted in a while.  Life has been crazy!!! I had multiple tests last week, a story due and a bunch of other stuff going on.

Here are some brief updates on random stuff:

I GO HOME IN FOUR DAYS!!!!! And I can't believe it!!! I haven't been home in three months and I'm really really excited to see my friends and family!! :D  Sometimes, it doesn't feel like I've been in Missouri for very long because I am constantly busy.  However, I am not counting the days until I get to see my friends, sleep in my own bed, and shower without shoes (I'm not sure why that detail is so exciting... but it is).

I wrote my fifth Maneater/MOVE story!!! Which means that next time I submit a story I will get paid for it!!! (It's like ten bucks a story, but still!!!! I will be getting paid to write :D )
Here is a link to my latest story! College Photographer of the Year Competition  It came out today and was on the front page of the news section (aka, page three of the paper).

I've also been helping backstage with costumes for Mizzou's production of The Glass Menagerie.  If you have any way to get to the Rhynsburger theatre tomorrow or Thursday night you really should see this beautiful and impressive show.  When I originally read The Glass Menagerie, last year, it really wasn't one of my favorite scripts.  However, seeing it on stage with MU Theatre's amazing cast was a perspective changing experience.  I highly recommend the show to anybody who loves theatre or just wants to see a story told in a really touching way.

Any who, that's really it for now.  I'm very excited to go home on Saturday (in case you haven't already figured that out).  I'm sorry for being so sporadic with my posts... I am working to fix that.  Let me know if there is anything specific you want me to write about.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lots and lots of writing!

Recently, my time has been filled with lots of writing.  I write texts, emails, psych study guides (which I am totally procrastinating on at the moment), to-do lists (god, so many to-do lists...), class notes, postcards, essays, and articles!  And speaking of articles, here are my two latest MOVE/Maneater articles!

Emigrate to a new sound

The result of my "squirrely" day!

Okay, so if you clicked on the second link you probably noticed that the actual story title had nothing to do with what the hyperlink said.  There's kind of a funny story behind that.   I went in to interview one of the ladies quoted in the story at 8:30 on Monday morning, I was told that she couldn't come into the office that morning because she had a squirrel trapped in her closet.... No joke.  My only response was "well, at least she has a good story."  It was a completely true story and definitely not something you hear very often.  As you can see by the story, the woman and I were able to chat later that day and she ended up being completely fantastic, but still, all I can think is.  Wow, what a way to start your week... with a squirrel in your closet.

Hope you enjoyed that little story.  Hopefully, I won't have to write a follow-up to this if/when I find a squirrel in my closet over break.....