There are some conveniences that are lost when one goes off to college, one of them being a kitchen. There is a kitchen in my building... but ask 90% of the people who live there and they will say that they don't use the kitchen (and a slightly disgusted look will come over their face). So, since I had some time at home last week, I took complete advantage of the fact that there was an available kitchen at my fingertips and a glutinous holiday in the very near future.
Every year on thanksgiving we make three pies (gotta love traditions): Apple, pumpkin, and chocolate. This year, my mom wanted to make the apple, so I took over the responsibility of making the pumpkin pie and decided to change up our typical pudding filled chocolate pie. People, like my dad, like the pudding filling, but personally, I was convinced that there had to be something better out there. So, I went to GOOGLE, the best cookbook ever and found
this lovely recipe, and so it began. My epic afternoon of baking. Check it out! (Oh, and I have no idea why, but cliche as it may be vignettes, mattes, and edge blur effects look good with food...)
Surprisingly few ingredients for two pies. |
Graham cracker crusts- super easy! Just mix graham cracker crumbs and butter. |
Melting chocolate and butter for the pie filling- no double boiler needed. |
Couldn't find the real splash guard... oh well. |
Mixing the chocolate with eggs, sugar, and salt. Took a bit of effort to mix them together, but it looked cool. |
Ready to bake
Fresh out of the oven
Chocolate pie, final product. |
Thanksgiving dessert. |
Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving!
Thanks for reading!!
OOOHHHMMGGEE youre making hungry! Love it, i'm going to have to make it soon before I eat all the chocolate in my house because of this post ;)