Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lots and lots of writing!

Recently, my time has been filled with lots of writing.  I write texts, emails, psych study guides (which I am totally procrastinating on at the moment), to-do lists (god, so many to-do lists...), class notes, postcards, essays, and articles!  And speaking of articles, here are my two latest MOVE/Maneater articles!

Emigrate to a new sound

The result of my "squirrely" day!

Okay, so if you clicked on the second link you probably noticed that the actual story title had nothing to do with what the hyperlink said.  There's kind of a funny story behind that.   I went in to interview one of the ladies quoted in the story at 8:30 on Monday morning, I was told that she couldn't come into the office that morning because she had a squirrel trapped in her closet.... No joke.  My only response was "well, at least she has a good story."  It was a completely true story and definitely not something you hear very often.  As you can see by the story, the woman and I were able to chat later that day and she ended up being completely fantastic, but still, all I can think is.  Wow, what a way to start your week... with a squirrel in your closet.

Hope you enjoyed that little story.  Hopefully, I won't have to write a follow-up to this if/when I find a squirrel in my closet over break.....

1 comment:

  1. HAHA what?!?! only the missourians (lets just say thats a word) would get a squirrel stuck in the closet ;) Lololol hilarious, woot woot keep up the writing!
